Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Runner's tan

As the weather has gotten warmer, I have gone back to running in a t-shirt and spandex shorts. Bring on the lovely runner's tan. It's started already. It's a good thing that I am not a beach person...that would be a truly frightening sight. I ran a sluggish 8k today. Legs felt like lead from my previous LSD. It dawned on me that I have run 50k in the past 4 days. I used to not even run that much in a month. And the weirdest part is, I felt great. No pain. Wow...the training has really worked!! The scary word "ultramarathon" keeps creeping into my mind. Not a 100k...that's just crazy. But a 50k seems within reach...after all, it's only 8k longer than a marathon. Ok, step at a time (literally). Let's concentrate on getting to the start line of Mississauga healthy, and finishing with a smile :)


Kewl Nitrox said...

The challenge is, how to not make the runner's tan look like a whimpy tennis tan? I still can't figure it out. :)

Cliff said...

50 k in 4 days..girl, that's a lot of running.

Why you run if there is no pain? :)..