Sunday, May 11, 2008


I went out to cheer at the Mississauga Marathon today. Mississauga was my first 10k event in 2005, and my first marathon in 2006. The weather has never been optimal by my memory. It poured rain throughout my 10k, and was very windy throughout my marathon. Today's winds reminded me of the 2006 event. The winds are especially intense down by the water, which is the end part of the course. I felt for the runners. I was freezing cold myself. My hands froze holding up my handmade sign. Are there any lurkers out there who recognize my sign?? Speak up! :)

I enjoy going out to races to cheer. The runners appreciate it, and it is inspiring to see all of the racers. Elite, average and back of the packers, they are all running the same race. To many of them, having the courage to even sign up for the race and get to the start line is an amazing accomplishment. Also, I firmly believe that cheering other racers on brings good karma ;) I saw several friends out on the course today, and plenty of strangers who called out "thank you," smiled, or gave the thumbs up. It was a great way to spend the morning.


Anonymous said...

Awww... that just gives me warm fuzzies!

Marlene said...

Kudos for going out to cheer everyone on. It's not the same without the crowds!

Marci said...

I was at Mississauga as a half participant - my husband ran the full. Spectators rock!!