Sunday, June 15, 2008

Weekly training summary

Okay, I know that I said I would post a fuel belt review, but I wanted to post my weekly log first :)

Tues - 4.23km/30 min run, 7:05/km
Wed - 11.6km/30 min stationary bike
Fri - 5km/37 min run, 7:24/km
Sat - 2.04km/15 min treadmill run to test new shoes, 7:21/km
Sun - 8.1km/59 min run, 7:18/km

Also did some free weights and crunches.

Totals: run 19.37km, bike 11.6km, swim 0km

I didn't make it to the pool this week. I am glad to see that my pace is improving. I ran 8k today in my new shoes and they felt great. I didn't feel my IT band at all. I did feel the heat, however. My legs wanted to go faster, but my body felt heavy and I was panting like a dog. Luckily, I got my run in between thunderstorms...we had one early this afternoon, and I hear another one starting now!

If I can run pain-free for another week, I will start trying some tempo runs :)


Cliff said...


Pain free is good :) I am getting my run back again..hopefully :).

The tri today..woo...tough on the run :)..but was fun to be running in trails and gravel :)

Anonymous said...


I came across your blog a few weeks back and want to say thanks! Your blog is very motivating for me. I started running 6 months ago for fitness and love it! I also got back in the pool and starting swimming and pool running which has proved great for cross training for me.

I'm competing in my first half marathon next Sunday (Scotiabank Vancouver Half).

I noticed you aren't enjoying the swimming so much and that's okay it's not everyone's bag! I might suggest however you might want to try out pool running. It's excellent exercise and good for recovery of running injury. I do it twice a week along with my regular 3 runs per week...try to find a pool that has a pool running coach and give it a try!

Good luck with your new shoes!