Awkward doggy paddle (swim)
This was my first time swimming in open water. I did a short warm-up before the race. Initially, I was shocked by the cool water, but I sucked it up and swam a few meters. Brr. Okay, try again. That was better. I can do this.

Race START! I stayed at the back. I felt unsure and kept lifting my head to check if I was veering off course. I was doing okay until I hit a traffic jam going around the first buoy. Bump. Stop. Doggy paddle. Bump. I commented, “well, this is awkward” which got a few giggles from the ladies around me. Eventually, we got around the buoy, but by that time I had lost my groove and was starting to gasp for air. I kind of fell apart after that, and kept flipping onto my back, splashing around, doing whatever I could to keep moving forward. It was NOT pretty, but I eventually found my way back to shore. Swim time: 9:26, 98th place (3:09/100m).
I felt a little shaky and tired after my bad swim. T1 time: 2:09.
Laboured putt-putt (bike)
The bike course had rolling hills, and I really struggled on the uphills. My legs flailed around helplessly on the downhills (I haven’t tried clipless yet). People on MTBs passed me…GRRR! Bike time: 27:58, 95th place (21.5kph).
I am TIRED! Why the heck did I sign up for this?? T2 time: 1:11.
Familiar territory (run)
Time to drop the hammer! Hmm, why aren’t my legs moving? Why am I out of breath? Oh right, because I laboured so much on the swim and bike! I see a familiar face…it’s my friend, T!! High five! Okay legs, MOVE IT!!! Run time: 12:21, 42nd place (6:11/km)

Final time: 53:04
6/11 age group
I was hoping to finish in closer to 50 minutes, so I’m not very happy with my time. Being sick for the past 2 weeks probably didn’t help my case. But don’t let my negative report fool you; I am happy that I did it! I’m a triathlete!! But since I’m not happy with my time, I might have to do another one!
Hi Tri-Marathon-Anner,
The goal is to finish :). You did great. Cold water..yuck :).
Do another one? Are you like nuts :D.
Congrats on the tri!!!
I am training for one this summer and I am very nervous!
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