Friday, June 25, 2010

I hit 5k!

So, I've been doing these little 2-4k runs, trying to ease my way back into running. It hasn't been easy. In the beginning, I hurt a lot afterward. Sometimes it would be a week before I attempted to run again. My pre-pregnancy easy pace of 7min/km seemed so far away as I struggled to run 8-8:30min/km. It is gradually getting better. My pace is still slow, but I have to remind myself that pace does not matter at this point. All that matters is that I get out there, preferably 3 times a week.

This week, my goal was to run 5k. Although I tried to tell myself that time didn't matter, I was hoping to run it in under 40 min. I set out to run 3k tonight, and was planning to go for 5k on Sunday. I put the baby to bed, handed the monitor to DH, and headed out. It was a great summer night to and not humid. I felt so good that early in my run, I thought, "hm, maybe I can run 5k now." Then I told myself not to think such ambitious thoughts less than 1k into a run. But, guess what...I did it. I took a few walk breaks in the interest of taking it easy (not so much because I needed them), and completed 5k in 38:36. A far cry from the 26 min 5k I raced a year ago, but I'll take it! This is a milestone, and a great confidence booster.

I recently registered for theToronto Women's 10k, which is at the end of August. I am looking forward to it!

1 comment:

saucony progid said...

Congratulation for hitting the 5K. You have a very good run there!!!