Monday, August 11, 2008

Can I still do this?

Training has been a flop lately due to my busy schedule. Here's what happened last week:

Wed - 5.2km run, 34:50, 6:41/km
Fri - 8.5km treadmill run, 1:00, 7:03/km
Sat - 11km bike, 31:00
Mon - 13.3km run, 1:30:11, 6:46/km

Totals: 27km run, 11km bike, and a B+ in neuroanatomy :)

I was hardly home on the weekend (birthday and wedding related events) and did not manage to squeeze in my long run or a longer bike ride. We've also been getting record amounts of rain, which is not helping with the bike training (note to self: time to get an indoor trainer). I was determined to get a long run done, so I went out as soon as I got home from work today. It's a little tough to do a long run at 7pm when you haven't eaten dinner yet, but I got 90 min done. At least I feel somewhat better about getting my mileage up to a decent level for my half in less than 4 weeks. My pace was much better this week, and I felt strong on my runs. Can I still do this half? Probably. It won't be a PB, nor will it be easy, but I think I can push through it.

I haven't registered for the Milton women's tri yet, but I'm pretty sure that I want to give the super sprint duathlon a try. I just hope that it doesn't rain that day, because I would be pretty nervous about riding on slick roads!


Sonia said...

YAY for the B+!!!

Go and register now you have nothing to lose and lots of fun to have!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on doing so well on your exam! Awesome!

Best wishes no the remainder of your training for the half coming up!

Mel-2nd Chances said...

congrats on the B+! That's great! You have me thinking about that duathlon now too! That's my champagne bday, my 31st on the 31st.... what an experience it would be to try this... but I'm also doing the Nike+ 10k Human Race.... hmmm, not sure what to do. Looks like fun though :)

Mel-2nd Chances said...

if you still haven't registered and are still planning on it... i can inquire if my bib can be transferred to you -- i'm out with stress fractures... won't be running or riding for a while.... lemme know! hope your training is going well :)

Marci said...

Quick post to wish you luck this weekend. Look forward to reading all about it. Yes you can do it!